

发布人:朱文鉴 2020-12-21

ISTT Educational Webinar Series


Estimating the Jacking Forces for Pipejacking
29 January 2021 / 09:00 am US Eastern Standard Time (EST) / 14:00 GMT
Among the others, pipejacking could be the most popular new installation trenchless methods. Jacking force is critical for a successful pipejacking, in which the control factors include overburden depth, frictional coefficient of soil-pipe interface, overcut, alignment, etc. Empirical formulas of jacking forces were reviewed. Comparisons on jacking forces with case studies were illustrated and discussed. New estimation method was also established and discussed. 

Presenter: Prof. Keh-Jian (Albert) Shou

Vice Chairman of ISTT, Honorary Chairman of CTSTT, and Distinguished Professor of Department of Civil Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan. His research interests include rock mechanics/engineering, engineering geology, and trenchless technologies. He has published more than 200 papers on these topics and is now the editor of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (incorporating Trenchless Technology Research), and the associate editor of the ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice.

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