

发布人:王璐 2024-01-04


      In 2020 VMT launched the TUnIS Navigation MT, which for the first time, combined machine guidance with laser and target, hydrostatic level, gyroscope as well as moving laser total station tunnel navigation systems into one product.2020年,德国VMT公司推出了TUnIS Navigation MT,首次将机器制导与激光和目标、静力水准、陀螺仪以及移动激光全站仪隧道导航系统结合为一个产品。
     The TUnIS Navigation MT system guarantees the greatest possible flexibility and efficiency when managing projects. Up to now, when using a navigation system for curved and long-distance drives (gyro based or laser total station based), manual control measurements were necessary to maintain the accuracy of the alignment (typically, a traverse measurement from the launch shaft through the pipeline up to the machine is measured manually and reference points then determined which are used for the calibration of the navigation system).TUnIS Navigation MT系统可确保在管理项目时实现最大的灵活性和效率。截至目前,当使用曲线和长距离隧道导向系统时(陀螺仪或激光全站仪系统),为了保持对准的准确性,必须要手动控制测量(通常,从始发井通过管道至掘进机的导线测量是手动测量的,然后确定用于导向系统校准的参考点)。
     This has become particularly problematic with the growth in the requirement for longer drives in critical diameters of ≤1,200 mm in the Microtunnelling and Direct Pipe tunnelling sectors where entry of personnel into the pipeline is difficult or even not allowed. Pipe jacking or Direct Pipe projects with pipe or pipeline diameters of ≤1,200mm and demanding alignments (straight lines >400 m or curved routes) can only be navigated with a gyro system. Manual control measurements, which are necessary for the calibration of the gyro systems and thus for the required accuracy, have been a considerable problem in the past being extremely time consuming where men-entry was still allowed, or even impossible with respect to occupational health and safety reasons and the small diameter of the pipelines.随着微型隧道掘进和直推铺管隧道掘进对临界直径≤1200 mm 长距离顶进的需求增加,这一问题变得尤为突出,因为在这些领域,人员很难进入管道,甚至不允许进入管道。管径≤1200mm且要求对准(直线>400 m或曲线)的顶管或直推铺管项目只能使用陀螺仪系统导向。手动控制测量是陀螺系统校准所必需的,以达到所需精度。过去,无论是允许工作人员进入管道,或由于职业健康和安全原因以及小管径,人员无法进入,手动控制测量一直都是一个相当大的问题,极其耗时。

TUnIS.pipelight – pre-installation of units on site
TUnIS.pipelight – 现场预安装单元

The automation of this survey requirement during longer and curved drives has, for some time, been an active goal for navigation system developer, VMT.一段时间以来,在长距离和曲线隧道顶进中实现该测量要求的自动化一直是导向系统开发商VMT的积极目标。

TUnIS.pipelight Unit – installation in TBM back-up pipe
TUnIS. Pipelight 单元 —— 安装在TBM备用管道中

Now, that goal has been reached with the launch of TUnIS. pipelight, a camera-based assistance system for carrying out automated control surveys. It improves the precision of gyro-based navigation systems for pipe jacking and Direct Pipe projects in small and even non-accessible diameter areas.现在,推出的TUnIS.pipelight系统已经实现了该目标。该系统基于摄像头辅助,用于自动控制测量,提高了陀螺仪导向系统的精度,可用于小直径甚至无法到达的区域的顶管和直推铺管项目。

TUnIS.pipelight – factory testing

How it works 工作原理

TUnIS.pipelight acts as an automated traverse measurement and establishes a geometric connection between the fixed-point field in the launch shaft and the tunnelling machine. Novel sensors with a very compact design determine angles by means of cameras that are monitoring LED light points. Together with defined distances between the sensor units, it is then possible to transfer the coordinates of fixed points in the launch shaft directly to the machine. The actual position of a reference point close to the machine determined in this manner can then be used for calibration of the gyro navigation system to ensure accuracy as the machine continues to advance.TUnIS. pipelight系统为自动导线测量,在始发井的定点场和隧道掘进机之间建立几何连接。设计非常紧凑的新型传感器通过监控LED光点的摄像头来确定角度。再加上传感器单元之间定义的距离,就可以将发射轴中固定点的坐标直接传输到掘进机上。以这种方式确定的机器附近的参考点的实际位置,可以用于陀螺导向系统的校准,以确保掘进机继续前进时的准确性。

TUnIS.pipelight Unit – concept drawing side view 
TUnIS. pipelight单元 - 概念侧视图

TUnIS.pipelight Unit – concept drawing top view 
TUnIS. pipelight单元 - 概念俯视图

Benefits 优点

The use of the new TUnIS.pipelight are numerous including:新型TUnIS.pipelight系统应用广泛,包括:

For VMT, Jürgen Göckel, Business Development Microtunnelling said: “With TUnIS.pipelight it is now possible, for the first time, to carry out automated and high-quality control surveys in very small and even non-accessible Microtunnelling and Direct Pipe drives. This opens up completely new possibilities for the design of tunnel alignments. The use of camera technology for the determination of angles and distances is unique in this field of application and enables a very compact design of the sensors, which can also be used in very confined spaces.”对于VMT公司来说,微型隧道业务发展部Jürgen Göckel表示:“利用TUnIS.pipelight系统,现在首次可以在非常小甚至无法进入的微型隧道和直推铺管顶进中进行自动化和高质量的控制测量。这为隧道定线设计开辟了全新的可能性。使用照相技术来确定角度和距离在这一应用领域是独一无二的,有助于设计出结构非常紧凑的传感器,也可以在非常狭窄的空间中使用。”

来源:Trenchless Works

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